Coupling Performance with Accountability: The Recursive Linkage.


  • Oktay Koç University of Health Sciences, Selimiye Mah, İstanbul, Turkey.



personnel management, responsibility, accountability, performance, public administration, administrative aspects, labor administration


The relationship between accountability and performance is still blurred and continues to be contested since the possible relationship is understudied. There is a strong need for new studies that attempt to illuminate the possible linkage between accountability and performance. This study aims to understand and illuminate this possible linkage. For this aim, a qualitative study has been conducted in a metropolitan municipality as a governmental organization in Turkey. In the end, a recursive linkage between accountability and performance has been explored and defined. Under this title two different form of relationships are also defined in detail: linear sequencing and incremental sequencing.


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Author Biography

Oktay Koç , University of Health Sciences, Selimiye Mah, İstanbul, Turkey.

Doctor en Gestión y Organización por la Universidad de Kocaeli. Su investigación científica incluye liderazgo, valor público, rendición de cuentas y gestión del desempeño en organismos públicos y teorías organizativas. Trabajó como investigador en el campo de la ciencia de la gestión en universidades de países como Inglaterra y Austria. En la actualidad dirige el Departamento de Gestión Sanitaria de la Universidad de Ciencias de la Salud.


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How to Cite

Koç , Oktay. 2024. “Coupling Performance With Accountability: The Recursive Linkage”. Gestión Y Política Pública 33 (2):129-56.



Posiciones e Ideas (Positions and Ideas).
