Evaluation of the Science-Policy Interface at the Local Level in the Implementation of Local Agenda 21 in Michoacan (Mexico).


  • Ana L. Burgos Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental (CIGA) de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) Campus Morelia.
  • Gerardo Bocco Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental (CIGA) de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) Campus Morelia.




science-policy interface, knowledge systems, municipalism, local government, policy design, governance, sustainable development, transdiscipline


This work evaluated the Science-Policy Interface (SPI) promoted by the political instrument Agenda Local 21 in its Mexican version (called Agenda Desde lo Local) which articulated state officials (SO), municipal officials (MO), and academic experts (EX) on local management for sustainable development and were implemented in Michoacan (Mexico) between 2008 and 2013. The evaluation was conducted through a conceptual framework with four analytical categories spanning 16 factors and 39 attributes. Among the systemic factors, the objectives and processes of the interface showed strength, but the outputs had uncertain impacts. The attitudinal factors of involved actors showed high cognitive distance and very differentiated levels of reality between MO and EX. The motivation, commitment, and perception of the others were excellent in so, but the remaining actors showed weak performance. The evaluation led to lessons learned of interest in the design of political instruments that promote the links between science and policy.


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Author Biographies

Ana L. Burgos, Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental (CIGA) de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) Campus Morelia.

Ana L. Burgos es bióloga por la Universidad del Comahue (Argentina) y doctora en Ciencias por la UNAM. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI) nivel I, y fuerte promotora de la circulación del conocimiento científico en la sociedad. Sus temas de interés incluyen la investigación transdisciplinaria para la gestión de cuencas hidrográficas y el desarrollo sostenible, y la innovación rural en contextos territoriales rezagados.

Gerardo Bocco, Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental (CIGA) de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) Campus Morelia.

Gerardo Bocco es geógrafo por la UNAM y doctor en Geografía por la Universidad de Ámsterdam. Investigador titular de la UNAM desde 1995. Miembro del SNI y de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencias. Su interés académico principal se enfoca en la geografía de pequeñas localidades rurales en América Latina.


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How to Cite

Burgos, Ana L., and Gerardo Bocco. 2021. “Evaluation of the Science-Policy Interface at the Local Level in the Implementation of Local Agenda 21 in Michoacan (Mexico)”. Gestión Y Política Pública 30 (1):197-233. https://doi.org/10.29265/gypp.v30i1.819.



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