Institutional Analysis of the Theory of Change of Pacto por México Education Reform: The Quest for Quality in Education.


  • Reynaldo Angulo Cázares Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Campus Mexicali, México.



Institutional análisis, Agency problems, Educational policy, Adverse selection, Institutional mechanisms


In this work, we reconstruct the implicit theory of change of Pacto por México educational reform passed at the onset of the 2012-2018 administration. Consistent with the policy of the two previous decades, its explicit aim was to improve quality of education. How would this be achieved? Modifying individual behaviors and organizational patterns through new institutional rules. This rationale was not new; it goes back to the foundation of the educational system, when its bases were being laid. In this work, we deepen and make more explicit this theory of change. Given the transformational role assigned to the rules of the game, we conducted a qualitative content analysis of its design using the Institutional Gram­mar Tool. We conclude that the design incorporates not only the behavioral assumptions of agency theory; it also encrypts its institutional mechanisms of change. It strips away old certainties of regulated agents; now they would transit through a corridor that the reform grafted in the old institutional edifice.


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Author Biography

Reynaldo Angulo Cázares, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Campus Mexicali, México.

Mexicano, es profesor-investigador del Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California en Mexicali, doctor en Ciencias Sociales con especialidad en Teoría y Análisis de Asuntos Públicos por El Colegio de Sonora. Sus áreas de investigación incluyen problemas y asuntos públicos en la frontera norte de México (autos irregulares o “chocolate”), análisis del proceso de las políticas públicas, políticas en la educación básica. Sus publicaciones han aparecido en revistas científicas, como Convergencia Revista de Ciencias Sociales.


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How to Cite

Angulo Cázares, Reynaldo. 2023. “Institutional Analysis of the Theory of Change of Pacto Por México Education Reform: The Quest for Quality in Education”. Gestión Y Política Pública 32 (2):61-95.



Gestión y Organización (Management and Organization)
