Gender Politics and the Olympic Rise of Women Athletes: A Comparative Study of Six Countries.


  • Daniel Añorve Añorve
  • Fernando Díaz Pérez
  • Vanesa Góngora Cervantes



gender equality, olympic games, public policies, education


One of the most significant changes during the last thirty years within the Olympic Games is the growing participation of women. Joined to its increasing participation in their national teams, the world has witnessed an increasing number of medals won by women. This study analyzes three approaches: 1) the approach of participation and results based on the personal effort, 2) the implementation focus of government actions with a gender perspective, and 3) macro social changes, specifically women’s access to high school and college education. Among the most interesting findings are the importance of institutionalization within the state or organizations outside the organized elite sport; the importance of investment throughout the process involved in the development of an athlete, and not just once the athlete performed at a high level. Finally, there is evidence of the importance of school sports organization for delivering results in elite’s sport.


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How to Cite

Añorve Añorve, Daniel, Fernando Díaz Pérez, and Vanesa Góngora Cervantes. 2016. “Gender Politics and the Olympic Rise of Women Athletes: A Comparative Study of Six Countries”. Gestión Y Política Pública, April.
