Economic Empowerment and Gender: A Case Study of Policy Implementation at the Municipal Level in Mexico


  • Carlos Moreno Jaimes



public policy implementation, local governance, Mexico


Why do certain public policies enjoying strong political support and a reasonable technical design end up producing meager results, notably depart from their original goals, or simply are forgotten at the end of a government term? This article is a case study of a policy whose main objective was developing a productive enterprise for low-income women living in a small community in Mexico. The program was quite successful in carrying out its agenda at the initial stage of the implementation process, but faced several obstacles that limited its effectiveness considerably, mainly due to political reasons.


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How to Cite

Moreno Jaimes, Carlos. 2016. “Economic Empowerment and Gender: A Case Study of Policy Implementation at the Municipal Level in Mexico”. Gestión Y Política Pública 24 (2).



