About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Gestión y Política Pública (GYPP) is an academic indexed journal of the Public Administration Division of the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE). It aims to offer a space for academic discussion to make public theoretical approaches, empirical research results and, management experiences, within the field of public policy and management of government organizations. The journal intends to offer an answer to the contemporary fundamental problem of state reform agenda. Its main intention is, therefore, to reach both scholars of government management and policy makers in Mexico and other countries around the world.

Gestión y Política Pública is published in Spanish, in printed and digital format. All articles approved for publication are previously subjected to a rigorous process of blind peer-review.

Peer Review Process

The peer-reviewing process to which the articles are submitted is anonymous and is carried out by at least two specialized members in the field (blind pairs). The peer-reviewing process begins from the official date of receipt of the manuscript by the editor. To be approved, the manuscript is submitted to a pre-reviewing process, in which the meeting of requirements and compliance with the topics of the journal are verified. According to the experts' evaluation, the article submitted to peer-review may be: a) Widely recommended for publication; b) Recommended for publication only if its quality is improved in the terms indicated; c) Recommended for publication but in a journal other than GYPP, or d) Not recommended for publication (see: www.gestionypoliticapublica.cide.edu). The journal commitment is to complete the process in the shortest possible time; however, the time span of the peer-reviewing process will be subject to the workload of the specialists to whom the article has been assigned, to the sending of the corresponding review and to its analysis by the editorial team of Gestión y Política Pública.

The review of the academic articles proposed for our sections Gestión y Política Pública (Management and Public Policy), Gestión y Organización (Management and Organization), Gestión Regional y Local (Regional and Local Management), as well as Experiencias Relevantes (Relevant Experiences), is carried out by our expert reviewers, taking into account aspects such as scientific relevance of the works, methodological strength of the presented analysis, originality, bibliographical support, quality of the argumentation, contribution to the discipline and clarity, among other criteria.

Manuscripts for the Posiciones e Ideas (Positions and Ideas) section shall be essays —not academic articles— of specialized interest that provide important information, data or references for the readers of the journal. Unlike an opinion issued for a research article, this section highlights the relevance of the piece, the clarity of its argumentation, the quality of the information or references that it can provide to the reader of the journal.

As the works from the Estudios de Caso para la Docencia (Case Studies for Teaching) section aim for opening a space for our readers in the academic environment —faculty and students— to link learning in the classroom with the examination of a real event or problem, this works must offer enough information in a short document to highlight the complexity of the addressed problem. Moreover, by means of their discussion in the classroom, professors at undergraduate or graduate level must be able to lead an exchange of ideas with their students, developing their analytical skills and critical thinking. The text must maintain a clear pedagogical value and be a tool that encourages active learning.

See the section "Application of ethical criteria for editors, authors and reviewers."


CIDE is a research and higher education center specialized in social sciences, guided by international quality standards and financed with public resources. The main objective of CIDE is contributing to the development of the country through the generation of rigorous and relevant knowledge, as well as training a new generation of leaders capable of performing creatively and responsibly in an open and competitive world. CIDE has three substantial activities: scientific research; meritocratic training of leaders at a bachelor, master and doctoral level; and dissemination of socially useful knowledge. These activities are carried out in six academic divisions.